martes, 20 de junio de 2017

Free topic: How Make lentils

Hello classmates today I will speak about  my favorite  recipe the wonderful lentils.
There are a lot lentils recipes , you can prepare as a soup, salad, hamburger, etc.
In this occasion I will share with you the recipe of a lentils soup. 
First, the ingredients are:

-One cup of lentils soaked from the previous day.

A chopped onion.
-One ground garlic.
-Little pieces of celery.
-Pepper cut into cubes.
-Half cup of Kinwa or Quinoa.
-A half cup of grated carrots.
-Two spoon of oil

Well with this ingredients the soup of lentils will be nice, but you can add all the ingredients that you want.

The first step is fry the vegetables with the oil, after you have to add your lentils with water and wait, then you add the corn. Also you can add a little of salt y prefer add herb like tomillo, orégano, albahaca or laurel, but you can not mix a lot of herb because the food can be with too much taste.
While the lentils are cooking, you can prepare in another pot the Kinwa.
You have to wash the kinwa for two minutes and then wrung out.
Then, you can add the Kinwa into the pot with the lentils, you stirs the soup and wait like fifteen minutes.
Finally you can serve the soup with garlic bread and coriander and the recipe will be delicious.

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Free topic: How Make lentils

Hello classmates today I will speak about  my favorite  recipe the wonderful lentils. There are a lot lentils recipes , you can prepare as...